Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Nigger In Chief Is Sending The Marines To Haiti

Here's how fucking stupid obama is: he's sending Marines into Haiti. I GUESS so that they can contract dengue fever and then bring it back here to contaminate the US - a Country the nigger in chief detests because it's Christian. Obama is a Muslim, remember. Muslims demand that all Christians die on their or or submit to execution. They have a choice. Natureally the Republicans, the supposed enemies of the Democrats, are in total agreement with this. There is not one fuckass piece of shit elected official alive who would say "Fuck that hellhole of voodoo zombie cannibalism." Nope, Haiti is a real nice place with real nice people as far as the Republicans are concerned. Now you have to wonder why the nigger in chief would send MARINES to Haiti. There's no war there. There's no Muslims. It's a sewer. Well, the reason he is doing it is because he's a fucking idiot. He thinks that sending the Marines into a place where there is just filth and boredom and listlessness and people sitting around who just dont give a fuck about anything will be a good way to further demoralize our best warriors. This fucker never does anything without an agenda. He may be stupid but he doesn't lack rodent cunning.


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