Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Freakazoid Joins Obama To Improve Commerce. Whatever That Is.

The faggot in chief has selected a man who had his penis consentually removed by surgeons and replaced by what he probably calls a vagina so that men who are marginally queer can get their dicks sucked by a man without feeling weird because they can pretend that it's really a woman sucking their dick to do something meaningless in the Department of Commerce. The job of the Department of Commerce is to impede commerce, which it does remarkably well, and now to make the department "officially fucked up" the practically-a-girl-himself president has appointed an officially-fucked-up man to either run it or else be the office whore to all the other fags in the Department. I personally don't have a problem with this, a make-believe female i am sure cannot make the Department of Commerce any more fucked up than the people with penises have been able to do since the Department's creation out of thin air a hundred years ago or whenever it was fabricated by fiat. The purpose of government is to create jobs in government that could not survive in the competitive real world of Actual Reality. The government "creates jobs" alright but they are always government jobs, where there is no actual product or service and which runs at a loss, eternally propped-up by forcing people who do not subscribe to the service to pay a fee for it anyway or go to prison. Americans do this with pride and call it "freedom.". It's a freak show, in other words, why not staff it with bonifide freaks? Obama, in other words, has finally done something actually logical. At least logical in the universe he inhabits which is the magic world of bureaucracy.


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