Thursday, November 5, 2009

Obama Freaks Over Ft. Hood Slaughter

No sooner had the smoke cleared at Ft. Hood, with the shooter dead, the nigger in chief was all over the press reports saying he would be all over THIS one to make sure that....and then that part was real unclear, what he was going to do. But I'll tell you what he is going to do. Even before the press knew that the shooter was Malik Nadal Hasan, Obama knew. How did he know? My first guess is that Malik Nadal Hasan was a personal pal of Obamaa. Obama doesn't HAVE any pro-American pals. He only has Muslim terrorist pals. this guy was about to be sent to Iraq and I suspect he figured that he would not be able to live in an environment where his Muslim pals were being dragged-in dead by the hundreds every day at the hands of American soldiers, so he figured he would just go out in a martyr's bloodbath, killing the Infidels, like the guys in the planes at the World Trade Center buildings.
Obama's gotta be fucking freaking. He probably heard via the Muslim pipeline that the "Hasan Cell" was being activated. He probably paid no attention thinking that "Naaaa, even my own guys ain't THAT fucked up." That's how stupid this nigger in the White Hut is. So Hasan does in fact activate and and kill a bunch of soldiers and IMMEDIATELY Obama is on red alert and making sure that he appears to be all upset. Now I am certain that Bush did not know about 9-11. But I am sure Obama did, and I am sure he knew about this too. If anyone needs to be waterboarded it's Obama. No wonder he wants torturing stopped; eventually he knows he is going to qualify for it. Shit, I can't believe I'm just realizing this this instant! I'm slowin' down. I need a teen age high school cheerleader to fuck to guard against Alzheimers. It's a fact, by the way, fucking teenagers stops Alzheimers in its tracks. You heard it - along with most things - here first.


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