Friday, November 13, 2009

How Things Are Going For Us In Pakistan

Pakistan, the country we are counting on to solve our Afghanistan problems for us, had it's anti-terrorist-intelligence building destroyed by a car bomb today. The Pakisatanis are people with degrees in Advanced Moronics. They make the idiot Iraqis and the deranged Iranians look like quiet Buddhists sitting in peaceful yoga positions beneath the Bodhi Tree, whatever that is. They should be nuked even if they weren't a problem just for existing. It is like a neutron star of Islamic Madness. And Obama and Co - and Bush and Co, fair to say, are counting on them to fix things up over there for us in that region. Obama has a special fondness for them because they are even dumber than he is and he recognizes that and appreciates it. It means to him that he ain't on the bottom of the Without A Brain In His Head pile. There's a hundred million Pakistanis underneath him. He could fall through that pile for a thousand years at a terminal velocity and keep meeting people stupider than him. That's got to be a good feeling.


At November 15, 2009 at 5:06 AM , Blogger Gringo said...

six twatted yak was already taken !!haha!!


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