Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Ass Assiated Press

Some fuck named Ben Feller - probably a Jew - wrote an article in the AP and carried by Yahoo, a lackey of the AP, that described the nigger in chief, talking at Ft. Hood, as the "consoler-in-chief" going on to say that when Presidents, niggers or otherwise, become consolers it can help to "define their Presidency." Now....there is no way in hell this sort of tripe can be called "unbiased journalism." I don't have a problem with biased journalism. It is not possible not to have biased journalism it unless you are discussing a math problem. And politics is not a math problem. What I have a problem with is the AP claiming throughout its history that it is not partial. It is MASTERFULLY partial. They hire only the most dedicated practitioners of rhetoric. An AP or a Time-Life writer can argue either side of a political issue with lawyer-like prose and conviction and persuasiveness. They historically choose to argue the Marxist side. Because that's what their bosses tell them to do. If they worked for National Review they would write the Catholic side. It don't matter to these guys. They can take either side. They are Word Mercenaries. They'll fight with whoever pays them the most. The consoler-in-chief. HAHA I prefer nigger in chief. HAHAHAHAHAHA! And look at the picture they ran: the Muslim In Chief majestically framed next to a mystical apparition of an American combat helmet and rifle, as though he is the King Compatant. He probably has not ever shot a gun. Even in his Muslim Campouts in the Sudan or Egypt or Lybia or Saudi Arabia or Iraq or Iran. Because he is a douche. The only people who fear him are the Congreemen and Senators who have sucked his dick while his nigger frioends took pictures from the curtains.


At November 11, 2009 at 10:31 PM , Blogger woman of the north said...

Helmet and rifle?? I Thought it was an atomic mushroom cloud!


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