Thursday, August 20, 2009

NBC Daydreams About Obama's Cock

NBC wrote a totally serious article about the affect on the birthrate of the nigger in chief becoming the nigger in chief. As though niggers could breed any faster than they are doing. They're fucking to the absolute maximum, NBC. They can't fuck any faster. It's the only thing they do in a hurry besides leave the scene. This shows how queer journalists and "news" people are. Obama gives THEM all boners so they assume he is having the same effect on everyone. White people love the nigger in chief, but he doesn't give them boners. He makes them impotent. Only white women actually want to fuck the guy. Nigger women know he's a skinny little fag nigger with a teeny weeny who cant even dance. Nigger women like Michelle, though, because she's uglier than a bulldog and bulging-up faster than NASCAR tires at a pit stop.


At August 20, 2009 at 12:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good summation, well put.

Oh don't forget Oprah. Not sure which one she flavors tho....


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