Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Democrat Fucking Meltdown

Jon Stewart, the wiseass piece of shit Jew on The Daily Show has turned on the nigger in chief and is lecturing him via his show. Obama probably actually gets his public policy from Jon Stewart, who apparently NOBODY has the balls to confront. EVERYONE is afraid of this nervy little putz, who is just as stupid as Bill Mahr but is a little more articulate and actually knows a joke from a non joke. So Stewart is now calling Obama names - he plays Obama speeches and then stops the video and addresses the frozen nigger in chief. This Stewart Fuck actually is considered bright. By everyone. Democrats bow to him and Republicans are terrified of him, even more than they are of the niggers they pretend to like. The problem is that socialized medicine has finally put some balls on the white people of America. Just in time too because if the fags in washington take over the medical business they are going to have the balls they just reattached removed again, because only niggers and mexicans are going to be allowed to breed. This aint "socialized medicine" this is "white genocide," folks. All nice and legal. Is it starting to penetrate anyone's head that respecting the Law is like respecting your executioner? Fuckin' white people MAYBE are starting to realize that they are not only being pushed out of their own Country they are in fact are on the verge of being exterminated from it. Hitler did it with trains and gas. Obama & Co are going to do it with "health care." Hitler would be proud of this nigger in chief. As I am sure Obama is proud of Hitler. After all, Hitler killed a LOT of white people.


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