Palin's Quitting

Sarah Palin is resigning from the governor job in Alaska. She probably got tired of seeing her children treated like shit by the nigger-loving press. I noticed nobody in the Associated Press ever calls that coon fuckface nigger's kids, Moe-ee-shee-tee-sha and Low-weezy, I never hear them being called two bit whores on the make and fucking every loser in the back alleys of Detroit and sucking dick for three cents an hour. No, those two little nigger kids are off limits. Only Sarah Palin's white children are clear and safe targets for slander. So just to try and balance the scales, Obama's two daughters fuck mules who have syphillis and then shit on each others' faces for the Lesbian Sisters Porn Films Productions crew. And then sell the videos to Muslims at a discount. Because they are both dirty cunts on the prowl for easy drug money. And they suck their dad's little faggy teeny aids-infected peepee. And then pose for pictures sucking Michael Jackson's dead, baby-drool-covered, dick. While licking their mom's dumpster-scented pussy. And clam-bumping each other. Shit, I'm getting aroused.
This is the most offensive post on a blog I've ever seen. The presidents daughters names are Sasha and Malia.
I apologize. Giving them African make-believe names was my way of trying to be unnecessarily cruel. They do not deserve to be called anything but their allah-given names: Whorehouse and Spermguzzler. I mean Sasha and Malia. Sorry girls!!
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