Nigger Mason Cont.

Shit I'll pro'bly CAMP OUT on THIS story. Well, the nigger Mason, seen above, is Victor Marshall. Serene High Dignity Marshall is a Mason over at This Lodge Over Here. His lodge sent him to Some Other Lodge Way Over There for some Lodge Gathering function. This is in Georgia, you understand. These Lodges, at this meeting, they see Victor sitting there quietly in their midst and smiling politely like a good nigger, behaving himself. The problem was, he was a nigger. So all the Majestic High Gods there they all look at each other and go "What the fuck is goin' on over at this guy's lodge they let him in?" So they have a secret meeting with the Benign Feces Taster Over There At The Nigger's Lodge and they go "Dude: what the fuck you doing, we don't admit niggers," like, you know, using all the secret signs and secret body language, and trying to clue the guy in without actually saying anything that could be used in a court of law, kapish? Apparently this guy they're tryin' to clue-in, he thinks the Masons is something TRUTHFUL AND ABOVE BOARD!!l I guess all the charity work threw him a little. It should have clued him in. But he's obviously very very dense, even for a Mason. HAHAHAHAHA
So naturally he gets all upset with these very bigoted guys because the "bylaws" state that "all are welcome into Masonry." I guess he don't know that's part of the PRINTED bylaws. HAHAHAHA And that it ain't quite the same open cameraderie for all races in the unprinted bylaws, especially when it comes to niggers. The Masons even went so far as to create a million years ago the Nigger Masons, with their own name, the Uncle Tom Lodge or some goddamn thing to herd all the "nigger Masons" into a place where they would be "more comfortable." Which is pro'bly true; they pro'bly are more comfortable being with other nigger Masons. Except they ain't really Masons. Not as far as the White Real Authentic Masons are concerned. So this is great for me readin' all this about the Lodges Way Over There tryin' ta clue this guy in. So this thick-headed dope, he gets all uppitty. He thinks these Lodge Leaders are WAY outa line with the laws of the land, bein' such blatant bigots. What an imbecile, of course they are acting outside the laws of the land, they're the Masons, half the things they do are outside the laws of the land and the other half of the things they do are outside the laws of fucking NATURE. I mean, these guys have ceremonies where goats fuck women and babies get burned alive. So this guy's clueless. He goes "Oh my goodness, you folks are in violation of the civil rights edicts forcing everyone to haul niggers into their jobs, their hotels, their restaurants and into their daughters' bedrooms. I am suing you, you are BAD men." So he files a fucking civil suit. What an idiot. He'll pro'bly get his throat slit like a Christian by a Muslim. Meanwhile the Masons are going apeshit. They're all "WE CAN'T GO TO COURT!! WE'RE THE MASONS!!! WE ARE THE SECRET POWER OF THIS EARTH!!" Well, we'll see. Hope they like greens. That's pro'bly what all the new nigger Masons are gonna be requesting as snacks while watching the goat-show. HAHAHAHAHA
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