Your City Cops Will Soon Be Federal Cops

FILE - In this March 6, 2009 file photo, President Barack Obama greets officers at the Columbus Police Graduation Exercises in Columbus, Ohio. The nation's police departments are clamoring for an unprecedented amount of federal aid to forestall big local tax hikes or the possible layoff of nearly 40,000 police officers — enough to staff the entire New York City Police Department. (AP Photo/Gerald
What this means to you, the idiot voter and citizen, is that the city cops are begging - so the press claims - to be under Federal control. That will make the nigger in chief also the nigger in chief of the cops, not just the military. Get ready to see your town look like Lebanon in a year or two. Obama's nigger army is waiting for the word to strike just like the Muslim sandnigger army is waiting for Obama's King Saud to give the word to HIS followers. And by nigger army I mean every nigger on earth. I know niggers. They are all like one big ant farm. They all know who the enemy is: whitey. that one thing even the niggers killin' each other in downtown L.A. know: that there would be a truce immediately if Obama gave the nigger-join-up signal. And I don't know what the signal it, pro'bly "Ite" but there's a signal and it's comin'. And I don't know how much you know about cops "tactics" when niggers start one of their city riots. The cops run away. So when the niggers riot all over the place, and Obama's giving the order to the cops, they'll run away even before the riots start because their cop nigger in chief will tell them to not get involved. All this seems pretty clear to me, I don't know why everyone else's eyes are all fogged over.
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