Jews In Office

The fucking dumbass Christians in this country keep electing Jews to congress. Socialism is in the Jew bloodline. That's all they fucking know. They are born government-worshippers. The bigger the king is the happier they are because then they can be oppressed, which REALLY gives Jews boners. They love punishemnt. That's why they got on the trains without a fight or a hassle. So. loving rulers, they always figure out a way to hand their individual soveriegnty over to a king. That way they always HAVE SOMEONE TO BLAME!! Which is ANOTHER thing they are very interested in: blaming someone else for their own fucking stupidity and laziness. Hey, Jews, I'll be happy to oppress you myself personally, but why involve my Christian bretheren in your fucking Leader Worship? Democracy is a real bad idea: there will always be more idiots being born than smart people, and they will win the headcount every time. And that's all democracy is: a headcount. And the dumbest group always wins cuz there's always more heads in the dumb class than in the smart class. I know: i was in the dumb class and I took a head count. And there were in fact more of us.
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