Saturday, June 27, 2009

Renowned Blogger Has To Backpedal

Your blogger, you may remember, three seconds ater the nigger child molester died, I said watch them try and find some white guy to pin this on. Turns out they are going to try and pin it on another nigger. My crystal ball is wrong 1% of the time and this might be one of those incidents. Still the crystal ball knew that the nigger jackson society and hangers-on were gonna try and make SOMEBODY other than the dead nigger responsible, because niggers are never responsible for anything they do, even dyin', but the crystal ball said it would be a white guy. So I guess I was wrong. Still, I notice my crystal ball is tellin' me somethin' right now, and it's "Don't be too hasty thinkin they're gonna go after this guy, it turns out he's pretty shady and the Jacksons and the Jackson Army of Molester Protectors - which is probably Congress - once they see how thick this nigger is involved in shenanigans, they might leave him alone: he just ain't innocent enough to railroad. My first guess is that the Jackson Nigger Army of Molester Protectors will try and blame the three kids Jackson kidnapped and owned. They're the most innocent victims of all so they would likely be next-candidates-for-blame numbers one two and three." So says the crystal ball. Hey, I'm just tellin' ya what it's tellin' me, let's see if the thing's right. 99% of the time it is.


At June 27, 2009 at 6:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes and I wrote and said I heard on the news his house doctor was white. The press and their speculation was running rampart.


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