Friday, June 26, 2009

The Electorate

The Electorate is everyone but you. Above is a sign by a member of the electorate demanding "climate legislation" immediately. In other words, this retarded imbecile wants people like the drunken Ted Kennedy and the crazed Nancy Pelosi to legislate earth's temperature. These people, this "electorate," truly believe that child molesters who live off others (or in other words, live off you) like parasites, and who cannot even manage an honest job for themselves, can alter the temperature of the sun. The sun, as you may have learned in kindergarten, is what determines the temperature on earth. Not Ted Kennedy or Nancy Pelosi or Al Gore, a fat man with a lisp and a fondless for cock in his mouth. No, it's the sun that determines earth's temperature. And this is why democracy is a joke. Because there is a lot more of the "electorate" than there is of you.


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