Teletubby Update
This just in: one of the Teletubbies has been replaced by a nigger. I guess that would be by a Niggertubby. Or a Telenigger. I guess I don't really know. I'm still a little rattled. And looking at the picture, I beleeeeeeeevvve itsssssss Po! Is that Po? Maybe it's Tinky Winky. I know I always get LaLa and....what's the other one? Bradford? Shiloh? Everette? Damn, I can never remember. Dipsy. I get LaLa and Dipsy confused all the time. Or they get me confused. Anyway, I think it's Po, got replaced by a nigger Teletubby at - guess who's - insistance. You guessed it, the New Nigger in Chief. That fucking mother fucker Obama. Naturally it was that cunt wife of his's idea. "Dem Feekyfuckies, or whatevah da fuck dey iz, dey gut every color essept black, muvfukka, an' I doan like it. WHA choo goan do 'bout it, Foo!" Well he issued another one of his commands and everybody hustled to obey. And that's why we now have....what's it's name?....I have it here somewhere. Here it is. Lowteeshabodeeshabundolo. Jones. "Bye-bye Lala!" "Bye-byyyyyye" "Bye-bye Tinky Winky." "Bye-byyyyyye." "Bye-bye Dipsy."
"Bye-byyyye." "Bye-bye Lowteeshabodeeshabundolo Jones." "FUK yu, white piece o' shit, you don't bye-bye ME! Anyone LEAV'in it be YOU, you fuckin' honky shit-ass dumbass fuck. (Ju hear dat muvva fukka tellin' me bye-bye??? Who da fuck he think he iz, fuckin crap-ass white-boy back-o' de-bus crackuh shitass dope.)
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