Galactic Stomach-Turners
These are generally considered to be the two grossest individuals in the galaxy: Michael Moore and Jabba The Hut. And yet one of them is SO gross he makes the other one look pretty goddamn hot. Yes, that's right, compared to Michael Moore, Jabba The Hut looks out-and-out foxy. I would rather hump Jabba The Hut like a nigger humpin' Stacey Keibler than even be in the same building with Michael Moore. I would rather lie face-up under Jabba The Hut's asshole, wherever it might be, and drink the orange and yellow drizzling shit as it gushed onto my face than even look at a picture of Michael Moore in a magazine. I would rather spend three days buried alive inside a dead yak's twat rotting on a jungle island in 100 degree heat in July than catch a glimpse of Michael Moore in a crowd. That's how fucking foul he is. When Michael Moore steps out of a crowded elevator I bet a river of vomit pours out the doors along with him from the puking fits of everyone else who was in there with him for the ride. I mean if just lookin' at him wasn't bad enough he would have to have a stench of unwashed foulenss worse than Michelle Obama's rancid pussy after a fuckfest with all the horses in the circus. His skin odor must smell like all of Ethiopia on a hot day or all of New Orleans after the waters drained. In fact, not to change the subject but I bet New Orleans actually smelled BETTER after the water drained than it did before the hurricane. In fact the whole town looked better. It looked cleaner and more organized and had less debris and crap lyin' around. In fact it might not have even been a hurricane hit that town, one of Michael Moore's boils on his back pro'bly popped while he was waddlin' down Main Street, sucking-up food like a baleen whale. Made the whole skies go a-whirlin' and upset the whole laws of nature. Jesus, what a fucking pig he is, inside and out. They should have called that blink-of-an-eye flu Michael Moore flu. But swine flu's good. Same thing.
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