Friday, April 3, 2009

Being White

I'm watching "Clean House" on the Style channel. As I said before, it's a gay thing. Kinda like, ya know, my gerbils and my male blowup doll? Do we really have to talk about this NOW??? So there's this white guy on there who thinks he's a Mexican. A mexican "gangsta." I knew there were wiggers. But I didn't know there are also wexicans. Or whatever you would call them. Angloxicans. He seems like a nice guy. But he talks like he never went to school. And he probably never did. And he has a fat wife. And 20 kids under seven. He thinks he's a Mexican. And he doesn't have a drop of Mexican in him. He's whiter than the fucking Pope. And the Pope was in the Hitler Youth. So it dawned on me, you have to actually LEARN how to be white. Even if you're born caucasian you can grow up to be a nigger or a Mexican. Holy shit. If even white people can become Mexicans and niggers, is there really any way to save civilization from Obama's Fast Track to Zimbabwe? And here's the scary part: Nigbama's the fuckin' SAVIOR. Shit, then I hope a motherfucker commie muslim faggot psycho never shows up in the Prezdensee.


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