Madonna vs The Niggers
There's a shithole called Malawi that has people with more flies on them than skin cells. Madonna wants to adopt one of the children of these pathetic stone age sub Saharan troglodites. The nigger chief, called a "judge," says no. This is how much niggers hate each other, there's a good example right here on the pages of newspapers all over the globe. The fact that niggers detest each other even more than they hate white people is under a spotlight right here in this incident. This "judge" just can't stand the idea that some other nigger that ain't him is going to have a chance to live a life of luxury. Even though the kid is too young to even appreciate his Lottery Winner Ticket this "judge" is going to make sure the kid never DOES get to experience the appreciation of his good luck. And this "judge" ain't even livin' in poverty. No, he's doin' ok. He just don't want this nigger kid to do better. This nigger kid is going to remain in the same shithole as everyone else, hangin' out at the same crocodile mudhole as the jackels and making soup out of his own piss, if this nigger "judge" gets his way. Malawi was owned by the British until 1964 and then became "free and independent from colonial oppression" and went from a normal environment under British civilized rule to a traditional nigger shithole with no industry, no wealth, no production, no shit. Except nigger fecal matter, and there ain't even much of that, since they are all starving. They will in fact BECOME the shit of some other critter, including the kid that the "judge" does not want to be taken from his nigger cesspool-culture environment. I ain't exactly what you would call a Madonna fan, she's basically just another lezzie ovarie-free white dude with a twat who considers niggers to be a lower form of life that is suitable for use as a housepet. This is how white lezbians think of nigger men. They have an even lower opinion of white men. So she just wants this nigger kid to make it look like she's maternal, and since it's a nigger kid to her it ain't an actual human male, it's just a variety of dog, so she won't really have to bond with it in any way, since being a lezbian she hates men, but niggers ain't men to her, they're harmless toys. The ruler of Malawi is the size of a rhino, just for the record, and no doubt he is the true owner of the "judge" who I am sure has no authority. All "democracies" basically are run by a dictator. They are just called something else. In the case of Niggerica, or our country here, he's called President Hussein Obama. For the record, you will notice that the Malawi flag, in the ugliness race, gives the flag of Texas a pretty good run for the money.
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