Marie Claire - Running In Heels
Running In Heels is a show on the Style "network." I like to think that I watch the Style network because you sometimes see runway shows with tits plainly visible underneath transparent clothes. But the real reason I watch it is because I'm probably gay. From what I can gather Running In Heels is a show about three interns at Marie Claire. Let's talk about Marie Claire. Marie Claire is the most fucked up magazine in existence. It's a fucking mess from cover to cover. I am a magazine expert. I could never PRODUCE a magazine, but I can judge them. Every magazine that exists I have a clear picture of in my head. I like magazines. And Marie Claire is at the top of the list for being a pile of pure shit. Now, the shit part has nothing to do with the magazine's ideology. That particular Sewer Award, the ideology award, goes to Time. Marie Claire is a sewer because as magazines go it has the worst look, the worst layouts, the worst photos, the worst type, the worse appearance, the worst coherence, the worst articles, the worst focus, the worst everything. You get a fucking headache just turning the pages. It makes you wonder why it is even in existence, doesn't it? My first guess would be sacrifices being made to Satan on a daily basis. Babies being butchered in the basement, their blood being drunk, their eyes burnt in little dishes, their flesh eaten raw and then the bones thrown before their mothers who were tied and manacled in the room where their children were murdered before their eyes. That would be my FIRST guess. Only black magic can explain it's continued, unending ability to survive in the magazine world, which is a hurricane of relentless change and competition. Well, on this show you get to actually see the staff of this mess. And it's no surprise that what works inside is a duplicate of what get's created inside. The woman running the place is a personality-free Borg who was clearly traumatized in childhood by witnessing dad's penis in full erect, vein-bursting monstrosity on a regular basis as it was being placed inside her mouth. The rest of the staff, from what I can see, is every bit as soulless as the boss. But for me the real beauty of the show was getting to see the offices of Marie Claire magazine. The place is every bit as simultaneously barren and cluttered as the pages of the magazine itself. It looks like a fucking porter's room in a cheap hotel. You can feel the energy drain that must exist in the place just looking at the cubicles. Ya know, it's almost impossible to make cubicles more desolate and fucked up than they are. The offices of Marie Claire manage to accomplish this. I would be shocked if it was otherwise. It looks like the mausoleum version of a Mexican storage facility. The show itself is about three "interns," which is the modern-day word for volunteer slave. Magazines use "interns" because there are billions of people who are willing to work at a magazine for free. This is just one of those weird facts of nature. Like the toxic bacteria level of monitor lizards. It's just a fact. It's what's there. Like gravity. That's what's there. Billions of people want to work at magazines for free. Not only that, they don't care if they are treated like paid employees. Or in other words, they don't care if they are treated like shit. Not only that - THEY BACKSTAB EACH OTHER AS THOUGH THEY WERE ON THE FUCKING PAYROLL!! Backstabbing at work is of course a political maneuvering technique to attempt to increase one's comfort level. And to increase the discomfort level of everyone else. Or of someone in particular. It's a form of warfare. It's the norm in dysfunctional business environments. But you don't involve yourself with it if you're not getting paid to begin with. You have nothing to gain and you have nothing to lose. You would have to be lower than a reetard to involve yourself in backstabbing if you ain't on the payroll. Well: meet the three interns. Jesus Fucking Jewboy Christ. You'd think they were Donald Trump, Steve Wynn and Vinnie The Chin angling for control of the Bronx. They're three fucking saps working for free in the worst magazine in the universe. All this of course makes for great viewing.
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