Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Nigger

The nigger yesterday had a big problem with the AIG bonuses: probably the smallest part of the taxpayer-assfucking. Today he's pretty much ok with it. The Casino on Wall St. went up. So they can have their bonuses now. Let me tell you, the best thing that could happen to America is that it collapses. Then with the government gone the normal people could rebuild the country again. A country without some Muslim nigger Marxist ordering everyone around and prancing about like Caesar. At least Caesar could beat the crap out of someone on horseback. This fucking fairy would run from a horse, crying that the boogeyman was after him. Jesus, I have never seen a gayer, prancinger little douche. I want to make two huge lampsahdes, or tents, out his ears. And 2 Grand Canyon rafts out of his lips. Semen must make your lips bigger.


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