Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Trillion Dollar Cosmetics Industry

I just listened to a 30 minute talk from my wife about her day at the makeup counter, the results of her day at the makeup counter, some previous days at the makeup counter that she was making an effort to rectify, what it is she expected from her makeup, the effects of makeup, the various theories of making up, what is the optimum makeup, how it is that some makeups succeed with her whilst others fall short of the mark, and at about the 20 minute point i asked, after having said not one damn thing so far, but just staring at her, I said, "Why are you telling ME this?" And the answer was "BECAUSE YOU'RE THE ONLY ONE HERE!!!" Instead of me then saying to her "Well it's clear to me that women need two husbands, not one. They need one to fuck and one just to talk to. The one they would talk to would be of course the queer. So basically women need a queer husband plus a non queer husband." But what I did instead, as she continued, was actually think about makeup. And I thought that if women only knew that men do not care about what their face looks like. We just want to see your tits, your ass, and your pussy. Those are the things you should be showing us, not your fucking goddamn face, and those are the things you should be pampering and taking care of and spending billions of dollars on at the cosmetic counter. Not your fucking face. And those fags at Nordstrom's and Macy's and Penny's working on your face in the chair, they SHOULD be working on your tits and on your ass and on your pussy in the chair and explaining to you how this shade brings out your areolas and this tint here does SO much to accentuate your nipples, and OH you MUST let me brush just a SMIDGEON of this very subtle glitter on your clit. OH MY GAWD that is SO much better, and your clit hood is just a TAD wrinkled, because, as you know, as we get on a bit in the YEARS department, that skin around our clits can start to, you know, bunch up like our panties OH MY GOD LISTEN TO ME but this emollient will smoooooooth out that clit hood like silk, and those labs my dear??....Lookit how this creme applies so evenly and puffs up those clams, making them fuller and sponjier. Don't you just want to bounce a quarter off them? OH LISTEN TO ME LIKE I MAKE BEDS!!! Actually I do because i can't STAND "Mr Crumpled Bed"!!! And are our "inners" starting to do that peek-a-boo thing, hon? MY GAWD!! Oh I can fix that SO FAST with this. What is it? It's a new product called Lab-No-More. Does your pussy look like it has the tire-wreckage from an 18-wheeler spilling out of it? This pulls all that debris right back inside. Ok, I think you get the fuckin' point here. We ain't interested in your FUCKING FACE!!! PAY THE FUCK ATTENTION TO WHAT WE ARE INTERESTED IN AND YOUR LIFE WILL SUDDENLY BECOME A LOT LESS ANNOYING AND AGGRAVATING FROM US. PUT YER TITS, PUSSY AND ASS ON PUBLIC DISPLAY NOT YOUR FACE. IF WE ARE INTERESTED IN YOUR FACE AT ALL IT'S THAT PART OF IT INSIDE YOUR JAWS. WHICH IN CASE YOU ARE MORE RETARDED THAN MOST WOMEN THAT WOULD BE YOUR INSIDE CHEEKS, YOUR TONGUE, AND THE SUCTION MECHANISM, WHEREVER THE FUCK THAT IS LOCATED, OK?????? Jesus Fucking Jewboy Christ.


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