Saturday, December 27, 2008

My Personal Patriotism Crisis

I don't suppose any of you know this because we have never sat down and really talked. But I used to be a superpatriot. You have no idea. America First, or go fuck yourself, or better yet let me nuke ya. That was me. But - and I say this to all my fellow superpatriots because i still don't really give a shit about the rest of ya, but to my superpatriot compadres, I gotta tell y'all, now that we gut a nigger allah-fucking faggot president _ I mean, can it get any WORSE than that?....a nigger, a commie, a muslim, and a fag - all rolled up into one little queer little allah-fucking ball of teeth and lips....can it get any fucking WORSE than that??? It sure son't seem too highly possible. As a result of this nightmare created by my fellow voters - i don't really give a shit about America no more. I mean, it's over as far as I can see. When we get to the level that we elect a fucking nigger muslim to run the country, this ain't no country for me no more. If I gut this wrong I will welcome any well-meaning sensible advice to the contrary. Until then, it's every man for himself, as far as I can see. I am armed and have escape routes and hideouts and I guess we're all headed to a Mad Max way of life for the next few thousand years. Have a nice allah and thank you and fuck you. You now know where I stand. I give America to the niggers and the spics. Turn it into Africa and Tiajuana and kill each other in the process like the niggers do in the Congo and like the southern Mexicans do is El Salvador. Have fun. And keep your powder dry: you're gonna need dry powder you come lookin' for me.


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