Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our Muslim Commander In Chief

When a country at war with Islam selects for its new leader and Commander In Chief of it's war machine....a Muslim: unless you're a nigger who voted for Obama or a really stupid white person who did the same thing while wearing his pants below his ass with his boxers pulled up real-cool-like like a fucking Negro Reetard, you have to assume that Islam is going to win that war. One of the problems of Islam winning a war against Christians is that the Christians have to convert to Islam or they are executed. Their bodies arent buried either. They are left out to dry as turds after passing through the stomachs of dogs and crows. Of course this assumes that the personnel of the war machine being commanded by a Muslim obey the Muslim Commander In Chief's orders. Hopefully they will not. And in fact it is hard to see how they would. What would be the incentive? Obeying the enemy? Well, the army of the Crips and the Bloods and the Weather Underground and the Black Panthers might obey the skinny Muslim boy-loving white-hating son of a nigger-fucking bitch. But I dont think the Marines or the Air Force or the Navy or the Army or the Special Forces, or even the Secret Service will obey the Muslim Commander In Chief. All this fucking stupidity that our Founding Fathers heaved onto us in their insistance of forming a government where no government was needed and which they spent a lot of time and money and energy fighting to get rid of now comes into full bloom here in 2008 as the Democratic majority chose for their champion a member of a sect that detests the Country the nigger President is now President of. I suppose a lot of people look around at the election aftermath and notice that the sun still comes up in the morning and that the mail still shows up and that there's still milk at the supermarket. And they likely assume from all this that everything's fine. Hey, it aint swearing-in day yet, pal. When that Koran comes out and that Muslim nigger bastard swears allegiance to Allah and not to the flag you can kiss your flat white ass goodbye because the nigger you voted for is going to cut your head off after asking you just once if you will convert to Islam. And if you think those Islamic bastards hate Jews, they hate Christians a whole lot more. Because you see the Jews and the Muslims at least have one thing in common: they both think that Jesus was just human. The difference is, the Jews don't care that Christians think Jesus was God Almighty Yahweh the Creator of the Universe in human Jew form. The Muslims, they gut a BIG problem with it. They won't tolerate anyone believing that a human being was, or in this case is, God. They'll cut your fuckin' head off. A Jew? He don't give a rats ass what you believe, so long as you pay your bills on time. Start learning your Koran You dumbass Christians who voted for this Islamic lunatic. And get your kneepads ready to get put into use bowing down five times a day to kiss Allah's fucking shit-covered ass.


At November 12, 2008 at 11:34 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

I dont know where you get this about Obama being a Muslim. That's just crazy. Besides, what if he is. Are we not all children of God? Does it matter what one believes? As long as he does not force his beliefs on others? Besides, I myself am a Muslim. I could care less if all the Christians get beheaded. Long as it aint me, I'm good widdat. Mrs. Obama.


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