Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why Niggers Are Different

The thing about niggers, the thing that makes them eternal non participants in the overall forward flow of civilization is that they came from a non-culture. Culture I will define as "social environments where buildings are not considered voodoo hexes from space." "Buildings" I will define as "large things made from something other than compacted dirt." This would of course exclude adobe structures from the definition of "building." I don't know why people say the social sciences are complicated. So niggers do not come from a "culture," Unlike, say, the Chinese. Who I believe were also brought over to America to do work and get treated like shit. But not as slaves. They would not have put up with that bullshit. They would put up with abuse. But they would not put up with being slaves. Because they came from a culture. In other words a place with buildings. They did not come from a compacted earth kiddie-fort, with entertainment, history, religion, and the nature of reality coming from a drugged and painted monstrosity of fears and psychoses obtaining his knowledge
from the shapes of the flames emanating from a circular fire in a hole in the dirt under the feared stars around which he is "dancing" to "music." Really BAD dancing to really BAD music. Life like this is not a "culture." Life like this is called "stone age life." It never changes. It is life on a basic human level necessary to sustain human life: clumped in groups, in fear, around fire. It's not "a culture." It's terror bouyed up from insanity by incantations to ghosts and images of animals sincerely believed to be wiser, more intelligent, and possessed of superpowers. It's basically nuts, in other words. "Culture" is a huge step above this in all cases. No matter WHAT the culture. Culture has, you may remember, "buildings." "Buildings" come about because there are things like agriculture and farming and "school" to enable a large enough group to exist to where new bits of knowledge can be added to the culture to make it "grow." Cultures "grow." "Stone age groups in the dirt" do not "grow." They persist. Or not. But they never "grow." Your "Negro" comes from a stone age clump. Not a culture. He was hauled into a culture by force and went into shock. The leap from clump-in-the-dirt to Culture is too big. People taken from other CULTURES can ADAPT to a NEW CULTURE. Because the leap is SIDEWAYS. Not UPWARDS. The American Indian and the Mexican Indian offer an excellent example of culture vs. dirt life. The American Indians lived in the dirt. They had no buildings. The Mexican Indians buildings!! Today the American Indian dirt! Still! Whereas the Mexican Indian lives in big houses in Los Angeles, 300 to a room. The American Indian strives to maintaiin his dirt heritage. He strives to stay the way he is. The Mexican Indian strives to get a job in Chinese restaurants to supplement his investment in leaf blowers. Which he operates early in the morning before the restaurant opens, sparing you, the sleeping American, the need for an alarm clock. That ends our lesson in the complete understanding of why Negroes are a mess. Thank you for your attention. There is no homework. I did all the work for you.


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