Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Nigger Warns About Voodoo Magic

Saying that ipods and ipads and Playstations and Xboxes were deceitful devices of the evil white man and the cunning yellow man, the President of the United States today told some negroes at a negro college where negroes go so that things won't be so tough with a lot of white competition and a lot of asian ridicule, he told them to be wary of these voodoo devices, that they would steal their souls. Kinda of like cameras did to the Apaches. He also told them not to believe everything they hear. Good advice based on what he said to them just a few sentences earlier. But I think what he meant was don't believe anything that they did not hear from Obama. I think that's what he meant. Although it is actually tough to know what he is actually talking about since I don't think he knows himself.


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