Monday, November 9, 2009

News Roundup

Big Muslim day today. The fucking Islamic boyfucker that went on a killing spree is getting better. The guy that runs the fort, some piece of shit named Casey, he says that everyone and everything is to blame EXCEPT THE SHOOTER!! Yeah, THAT'S the guy I want leading American troops into battle. The guy that says the enemy are the people worth saving and that the army he is leading into battle needs to die. What a motherfucker. I bet he was hand-picked by the nigger in chief because he's anti American, probably a faggot, and most likely is a fucking Muslim himself. You would think that the woman who shot this fuck would be hailed on Oprah and the View a on Ellen as a fine representative of the liberated woman: the new warrior class ready to defend America against its enemies. Don't wait for Obama to stop sucking boydick OR for this to happen any time soon. Some Jew at The Daily Beast

named Lee Siegel says that AMERICA is at fault because some Muslim shitball went Islamic. At least he has the balls to put his name on his shit. I hope me and that Jew meet, I would LOVE to have a dialogue with him. With tons of recording equipment present. Fucking Jew bastard mother fucker. Sometimes it's real hard to say what's worse, a Muslim or a Jew. I guess I ain't the FIRST person to find himself wandering around in the middle of that dilemma.


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