Friday, August 28, 2009

Question Of The Day

Ousley just asked me if white people could now apply for money from the United Negro College Fund. I said good question. He also said that the United Negro College Fund was the most racist organization on earth. I said that wasn't exactly true; the United Germanic College Fund would be considered a lot more racist. Or the United Aryan College Fund. Or the United Anglo-Saxon College Fund. Or the United Hitler Youth College Fund. Or the United Children of the Vikings College Fund. Not to change the subject but The Fuehrer always took a good picture, no? I guess he always destroyed the bad ones and then had the photographer shot. This would eventually result in only good pictures and only good photographers. Leni Reifenstahl comes to mind. Oh to lick her Viking twat!! Salvador Dali said that the thought of Hitler shirtless and the straps of his suspenders pressing against his pink nipples was the most erotic thing he could imagine. Just sharing. Oh, here's some more non-racist government news from Dennis.

"The American Indian College Fund provides scholarship support to each tribal college. We also administer several scholarship programs offered to American Indian students attending tribal colleges and state and private universities.Rain dance 101.Special fund for AA class. War paint 101. Pow wow singing and dancing. and all things Indian.
No money has ever been used by an Indian for college. lol"


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