Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The Niggerpation Proclamation

Everyone thinks that pompous ass, Lincoln, was a great guy for signing the emancipation proclamation "proclaiming" niggers "free." He just moved them from a smaller yard into a bigger one with a new owner: Lincoln. So the niggers became slaves to a different owner like the rest of us already were: the Feds. Except they don't actually now have to go out into the field to get paid. Whitey goes out into the field and the new owner gives the nigger a cut for sleepin'-in. It's called Reparations for the crimes of dead plantation owners. Sharpton thinks it ain't enough. Sharpton thinks the niggers should just get everything that is presently available. Sharpton thinks that whitey should just hand all the stuff he has over to the niggers. To save the nigger even the effort of breaking in and taking it. So that he won't even have to do that anymore. 'Cause let's face it, even to jack a car you have to get up off the couch. Sharpton thinks even that effort is basically unfair. And it gets even more fucked up than that: Al Franken is now a State Senator. Al Franken makes Obama look wise and intelligent. Al Franken makes Jessie Jackson look wise and intelligent. He makes GW look like Neils Bohr. Ummmm.....I think I'm done. Class dismissed.


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