All About Pit Bulls

Pit bulls are the best-natured dogs on earth. They are also the most protective. They are also the most fearless. And they are also, pound for pound, the most powerful and steel-jawed. When a pit bull attacks he is not necessarily pissed off. He is probably in a very good mood. If you look at videos of K9's tugging at the leash and barking their asses off at a cornered - probably nigger - suspect, you will notice that the tail of that dog is swishing back and forth like it is playing with a Frisbee. That is because the dog is not at all pissed off. It is having fun!! So too when a pit bull attacks. It is having fun. And one of the things it has the MOST fun doing is PROTECTING THE OWNER!!!! This gives their life joyous meaning. So they can kill you and consider it fun if that switch gets thrown. If they are actually PISSED OFF when that switch gets thrown, you will probably die. What determines when the switch gets thrown? When THE DOG NOT YOU DECIDES that it's master is "threatened." And dogs ain't that bright. Shaking hands with the master can be interpreted by the pit bull as a threat to him. PLUS.....pit bulls have BEEN BRED TO ATTACK!! So they are real good at it, when the mood hits them. They are scientifically designed to charge at top speed, lunge, seize, and stop gripping only when the target DIES. It makes them happy to do this, like when a sheep dog herds sheep or a husky pulls a sled through the snow. They're delighted and fulfilled as dogs at these times. Same with pit bulls: the friendliest, best-natured barrels of nitroglycerine on earth. Now then: when a NIGGER or a WISE ASS MEXICAN STREET THUG FROM EL SALVADOR gets a pit bull, they don't get it to have a pit bull. They get it to fuck with people. Then they realize the pit bull has to be cared for. So they abandon it. Leaving the city filled with roaming dangerous animals. The pit bull naturally gets all the bad press because of the niggers and the Mexicans from El Salvador. Because news people are more afraid of niggers and Mexicans from El Salvador than they are of pit bulls. Also the pit bulls won't know they are being talked about and the niggers and the Mexicans from El Salvador might. Here's where all this is going: instead of getting rid of pit bulls we should get rid of niggers and Mexicans from El Salvador. Thank you.
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