Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nigger In Chief Vows To Be Cowardly

The nigger in chief of America's armed forces vowed at the Annapolis graduation that he would not send anyone to fight. Hey, thanks, nigger. Why don't you just paint a yellow streak across the Obama Flag and have us all tie white flags around all our trees as a signal to the Muslims that we give up. He wasnt any too clear on what it would take for him to get some balls and give the order to fight. If I was a Muslim I'd be telling my pals, "Well, let's SEE what it takes." They saw with Bush what it took. They ain't fucked with us since. But now the idiot nigger has told them "We won't fight back anymore." If it ain't clear that this fucker is a Muslim Operative you gotta be DUMBER than a nigger. And I didn't know that was possible.


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