Friday, May 22, 2009

America's Longest-Running Joke

That there POW flag, above, the one that deluded, misguided, foolish Americans have been flying for 50 fucking years, is a fucking joke. "You are not forgotten." HAHAHAHAHA Maybe not by the next of kin. But, buddy, if you are still in Vietnam or Cambodia or Red China or North Korea or Laos - you're forgotten by your "government." They ain't gonna lift a finger. They lifted so many fingers to get you in there in the first place, those fingers are tired, dude. Those fingers are now wrapped around some teen age boy intern's cock in the bathroom of the Senate and the House. You ARE forgotten. They oughta fix that flag and make it right. Change it to "Fuck you, sap. You're forgotten. Deal with it." Change that black silhouette to one with an x drawn over the eye, for lights out and goodbye, motherfucker, being nice to Mexicans and Muslims and welfare-niggers is your "government"'s only concern now, not you, sucker.


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