Monday, May 4, 2009

Mouseketeer Jay-Jay

Mouseketeer Jay-Jay, the creepiest of the Mouseketeers, has been found living under a freeway overpass in Los Angeles near 4th St. He was wearing the skin of a dog he had just killed. He had the skin around his head. The rest of him was naked. He said he enjoys "scaring people." Asked how he goes about doing that he said he just walks up to them. Asked why he was living under the freeway he said it was better than living on it. "During traffic jams it's ok, but the rest of the time it's pretty freaky." Asked if there was even one Mouseketer who made anything of himself or of his life after Disney he said "I'm the only one who's doing well. The rest are a mess." He was asked to explain his weight of over 400 pounds. He said "I eat other bums. Thank God for the bad economy, I was running short there for a while." Asked if he knew who was President he said "It's a nigger, ain't it?" Jay-Jay was then told, just to see what kind of an answer it would elicit, that President Obama was half white. He responded, "That's still full nigger to me." Asked what percentage of "nigger" a person would have to be before there was little-enough of it for that person to no longer be considered a "nigger" he said "Zero percent." Asked why his life took such a bellyflop after his childhood success, he said "What do you mean."


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