Country Of Texas
Hey, it's worth a try.
>>> Please note that Texas is the only state with a
>legal right to secede from
>>>the Union . (Reference the Texas-American
>Annexation Treaty of 1848.)
>>> We Texans love y'all, but we'll probably have to
>take action since
>>>B.Hussein Obama won the election. We'll miss you
>>> Here is what can happen:
>>> #1: Barack Hussein Obama becomes President of
>the United States , Texas
>>>immediately secedes from the Union .
>>> #2: George W. Bush will become the President of
>the Republic of Texas .
>>> So what does Texas have to do to survive as a
>>> 1. NASA is just south of Houston , Texas . We
>will control the space
>>> 2. We refine over 85% of the gasoline in the
>>> 3. Defense Industry--we have over 65% of it. The
>term "Don't mess with
>>>Texas ," will take on a whole new meaning.
>>> 4. Oil - we can supply all the oil that the
>Republic of Texas will need
>>>for the next 300 years. Yankee states?
>>> Sorry about that.
>>> 5. Natural Gas - again we have all we need and
>it's too bad about those
>>>Northern States. John Kerry will have
>>> to figure out a way to keep them warm....
>>> 6. Computer Industry - we currently lead the
>nation in producing computer
>>>chips and communications--small companies like
>Texas Instruments, Dell
>>>Computer, EDS, Raytheon, National Semiconductor,
>Motorola, Intel, AMD, Atmel,
>>>Applied Materials, Ball Miconductor, Dallas
>Semiconductor, Delphi, Nortel,
>>> Alcatel, etc, etc. The list goes on and on.
>>> 7. Medical Care - We have the largest research
>centers for cancer
>>>research, the best burn centers and the top
>trauma units in the world, as well as
>>>other large health centers. Dallas has some of
>the best hospitals in the
>>> 8. We have enough colleges to keep us going:
>University of Texas , Texas
>>>A&M, Texas Tech, Rice, SMU, University of Houston
>, Baylor, UNT ( University
>>>of North Texas ), Texas Women's University, etc.
>Ivy grows better in the
>>>South anyway.
>>> 9. We have a ready supply of workers. We could
>just open the border when
>>>we need some more.
>>> 10. We have essential control of the paper
>industry, plastics, insurance,
>>> 11. In case of a foreign invasion, we have the
>Texas National Guard and
>>>the Texas Air National Guard. We
>>> don't have an Army, but since everybody down
>here has at least six rifles
>>>and a pile of ammo, we can raise an Army in 24
>hours if we need one. If the
>>>situation really gets too bad, we can always call
>the Department of Public
>>>Safety and ask them to send over Chuck Norris and
>a couple of Texas Rangers.
>>> 12. We are totally self-sufficient in beef,
>poultry, hogs, and several
>>>types of grain, fruit and vegetables, and let's
>not forget seafood from the
>>>Gulf. Also, everybody down there knows how to
>cook them so that they taste
>>>good. Don't need any food.
>>> This just names a few of the items that will
>keep the Republic of Texas in
>>>good shape. There isn't a thing out there that we
>need and don't have.
>>> Now to the rest of the United States under
>President Obama:
>>> Since you won't have the refineries to get gas
>for your cars, only
>>>President Obama will be able to drive around in
>his big 9 mpg SUV. The rest of the
>>>United States will have to walk or ride bikes.
>>> You won't have any TV a s the Space Center in
>Houston will cut off
>>>satellite communications.
>>> You won't have any natural gas to heat your
>homes, but since Mr.Obama has
>>>predicted global warming, you will
>>> not need the gas as long as you survive the 2000
>years it will take to get
>>>enough heat from Global Warming.
>>> Signed, The People of Texas
>>> P.S. This is not a threatening letter - just a
>note to give you something
>>>to think about!
>>> One Nation Under God In a State that STILL
>Believes in HIM!!!
The stars at night are big and bright. Deep in the heart of Texas.
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