Friday, April 24, 2009

V-50 Lectures: Volitional Science Explained

A lotta you people who ain't here think that the only thing that I am all abouot is sayin' nigger, showin' pussy, makin' fun o' fags, killin' dogs ( I never could figure out what the fuss was with that Michael Vick guy or whatever that nigger's name was that was killin pitbulls. He is one hero nigger as far as I'm concerned. All the other niggers that have pit bulls just make 'em hateful and then turn 'em loose onto the neighborhood. This Vick guy was actin' responsibly. OH! HAHAHAHA! MY BAD! NO WONDER HE GOT IN TROUBLE! HE'S A NIGGER AND HE'S ACTIN' RESPONSIBLY! I FUCKED UP, I SEE THE PROBLEM NOW!! ) and you all think that I just obssess about the Nigger-in-Chief. But I do other things too, like try and save humanity. V-50 is how I try and do that. So othere's this guy who's selling the V-50 Lectures and he wanted me to write some stuff about it. So I did, but it all goes into his bl;ack hole and I nevger see it again. Well, as long as it's goin' into his black hole it can go into my black hole too, so here's my synopsis of the Volitional Sciences.


Here is what Volitional Science is. The following is not a line of reasoning. It is a series of factual statements designed to instill a gestalt. Hopefully, if I succeed, you will know what Volitional Science is.
Darwin did not create evolution. Darwin only observed what evolution has been doing for 6 billion years and revealed it to everyone else. What Darwin revealed is what actually happens. Darwin explained what actually takes place. As far as living things are concerned.
Humans evolved. Humans are different from the other life forms on earth. Humans have volition. Period. Volition is the survival mechanism for humans. That means they can act or not act on their decisions. Humans also create. Some create more than others. Those who create more are in constant threat from those who create less. Because humans are also apes. Apes steal. In fact, most mammals steal. Even reptiles steal. Ants steal. Everything steals. But usually not as a way of life.
Galambos recognized that humans violate evolution and exist as a species by stealing. Not just when convenient, as animals often do, but relentlessly. Exclusively. There is not a civilization that did not exist except via theft. Theft necessitates war. War is theft on a grand scale.
Galambos explained what should take place in the global human community for theft to become extinct. Rendering theft extinct would also render government extinct, since governments exist via theft. Rendering governments extinct would render war extinct since only governments create war, or theft on a grand scale. With theft an imposibility, human progress would (probably overnight) leave Earth and proceed throughout the galaxy. This is not science fiction.
The V50 Lectures are an introduction and explanation of why Galambos is correct in his theory and conclusions. To Galambos the theory was self evident. Just like relativity was self evident to Einstein. It obviously was not self evident to anyone else. I mean, look at the mess. The theory had to be proven. V50 provides the proof of Volitional Science. Thank you. Order now. If you understood this, you will understand Volitional Science. It is a science. The science of human society. The correct one, not a cult, not a faith, not an edict, not a hope, not a wish, not a good feeling. It is a science. How many sciences of human society are there? Only one. Just like every other science. There are not two sciences of physics. Or biology. Et cetera. Only one of each. Same with this. Period. If science is your thing, then you will get it all very easily. Any questions? If you have any, come see me at Déjà Vu, I’ll be there all night. J.J. Solari

Ok, that's it. Back to the tits and ass and nigger-in-chief bashin'.


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