HAHAHA Obowma managed to immdeiately piss off all his nigger allies by bowing the the King of the Muslims - the fellow who funded his nephew Osama to blow up the two most beautiful pieces of architecture in history. But they DID practice on those two monumental Buddhist statues in Afghanistan, but I guess no one saw that as a warning clue. Where was I. Oh yeah, Obowma and the niggers. I don't know if you know anything about contemporary nigger "culture," but the whole Rap Thing is that the nigger is the ruler of the earth and he bows down to nobody. You bow down to him. And here we have the Nigger King bowing down to the Sandnigger King. The gangsta niggers, the ones who decide what all the other niggers are going to think, they ain't gonna have a good reaction to "dey own mang" bowing down. Niggers do not bow down. They get bowed down TO. One of those Haard Right sites said the psychological profile of him bowing down to a tyrant King of the most heinous religion in history indicates that he respects that and seeks to emuolate it, whereas he treated the Queen of England like she was some dottering old lady. He didn't bow down to her. And his ignorant whore wife lesbian clomping bulldyke wife
put her arm around Elizabeth like she was just another old stupid white lady in a rest home that needed to be given her pill.
I hope our military brass is watching this idiot piece of nigger regency and decidiing what to do, but it looks as though they are douching-it-up around the guy too, like all the faggots in the Republican Party are.
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