Dirty Cops
I hear this was edited at lot at another site. Unfortunately a lot more people are going to read the version someone else thought I should have written and then rewrote it themselves and put my name on it - hey, this is what editors do - than are going to read this one. Maybe five more.
“Dirty” cops is a term used by police departments to describe cops who augment their
tax-derived income, paid for by citizens who have not hired them, with money earned by an actual job performance paid for by people who have hired them. such as for bribery, kickbacks, payoffs, or other services expressly forbidden by their “official”job, which is, basically, leaning-on strangers, robbing them, kidnapping them and holding them for ransom, or “bail” as it’s called. As an added affront against decency-in-commerce the freedom granted by bail, or, the ransom payment, is only temporary. Ironically the only time a cop does “clean” work is when he becomes a “dirty” cop. Only then is he doing a specific job for a specific non-tax-financed paymaster, for a specific reason and within strict and narrowly defined parameters.concerning specific individuals, with, usually, total agreement by everybody. When a cop is operating within the parameters of his tax-paid job however, he usually only deals with strangers, and against the strangers’ wills. All this mess could be called a basic perversion of right and wrong. I know, “who’s to say what’s right.” Well, the “law” says what’s right. “Laws” are completely arbitrary rules created by a particularly evil species of human called “lawyers.” Specifially,”elected” lawyers,- a particularly foul level of lawyer hierarchy that all lawyers yearn to attain to. Therefore there are no “clean” cops in reality. They’re all “dirty.” Ok, that’s all, you may go home now. Drive carefully to stay out of jail. And check for your license and registration before you get in. And make sure all the lights work. And make sure no forbidden-to-own property is inside. A clean cop you never met and didn’t hire may be watching you to confiscate you, and your car, and your property. Oh, and if one stops you merely to advise you of a problem up ahead….don’t be rude or curt. He may confiscate erything just for that. Unless he’s a dirty cop. Dirty cops often ignore a lot of lawbreaking a clean cop won’t, ‘Cause, well, they’re dirty. So there’s a better chance he just might let you go. Good luck, citizen.
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