Cops are “soldiers” that governments use to combat their own citizens. Cops operate under the bogus assertion that they are protecting the citizens of their own country from other citizens of their own country. However the “protection” never occurs until after the crime has been committed. Or in other words when no one needs protecting. The victim’s already been mugged, robbed, beat up, shot, or butchered to pieces in a cellar. So Protection Time is, as a rule, tardy. So there is never any actual protecting being done. The Los Angeles PD has as its motto “To Protect And Serve.” Well, if there’s no protection, which is their primary claim to usefulness, how deluded would you have to be to think that any of these clowns would actually serve anyone. What would they serve? Who would they serve? When would the serving occur? Who in history has ever gotten a cop to serve them. Nobody. It has never, ever, happened.They won’t even sweep the glass and metal shards off the street after an accident. It’s not laziness, and cops are astoundingly lazy, it just wouldn’t occur to them. Cops do not protect and serve. They endanger and order-around. That’s what should be on the sides of the cars.”To Endanger And Order-Around.” There is no protecting and there is no serving. There are only invasions, fights, and pursuits. Mostly cops pursue. Sometimes the pursuit is immediately after the fact of the crime; sometimes the pursuit is ongoing in a slow, researching sort of way for years after the crime; and sometimes the pursuit is explosively sudden, for no apparent reason, right now, on the spot, whether or not a crime was committed, just because the person being pursued was attempting to, in many cases, avoid being pursued. Cops cannot get it through their extraordinarily dense skulls that if their fellow citizens fear they are being pursued by cops, that they might want to evade this pursuit, since capture could result in imprisonment. People seem to fear imprisonment. This fear tempts them to flee pursuit. Very often the pursuit results in injury and death to completely uninvolved citizens who have the misfortune to be in the vicinity of a pursuit in progress. These people are not protected by the protectors and servers at the time of the impact - into their faces - of the fleeing “suspect’s” car, or the cop’s car. Or some random third car forced into them by the pursued car and/or the pursuing car. In other words, sometimes the police will turn a completely uneventful, quiet afternoon into a sprawling, mangling wreckage of blood, carnage, and death, from completely out of the blue and for no discernable reason that anyone can justifiably explain “in the interests of public safety and in the pursuit of justice.” “It just fucking happens, goddamnit and may Jesus help and have mercy on anyone in our way.” Burma Shave.
The citizens being protected never seem to notice any of this surrealism, for some reason. I have my own theory for why this is. People are idiots. The “citizens being protected” from their fellow citizens never seem to notice that the cops never actually do jack fucking diddly shit in the way of protecting anybody. The cops always appear later. When protection is no longer needed. Unless the call is for a party disturbance. Then things are different: the cops will show up to stop this crime and protect the other citizens from the party while the crime of the party is still in progress. They’ll put an end to Party Crime right away.
Citizens believe that cops protect them from crime because they are told this by Police Associations from the day they are born. Cops have a pretty good thing going: stupid as they are they still manage to convince the citizenry that the citizenry needs the cops to protect them. Who appointed the cops to protect you? Well, it wasn’t you. You can’t be trusted with a decision that huge. Someone who doesn’t really give a shit whether you live or die needs to be the one to make that call for you. Which you agree to, most likely because, most likely, you’re kind of dense. The cops then roll out the image-making machine they created and remind you at pay-raise time that you need cops or else you will be invaded by bad guys. This is the same thing the Mob says when you don’t pay the guy who comes to your place of business and asks for some money so that you don’t get hurt. On those rare occasions when the citizens call the cops’ bluff and the cops do go on strike, crime, confusion, unrest, hostilities and fear go down dramatically. When the cops go on strike everyone relaxes, crime goes down, people band together in a mutual common-goal need to ward-off the mutants, and a genuine sense of community erupts throughout all the communities. When there are no cops, everyone is happier. Except the cops. When cops go on strike and nobody cares, cops get pissed. And go back to work. In order to make things normal again. And “normal” to cops is “cops are happy: citizens are pissed.”
Governments use “police,” or “cops,” because they could never get an actual soldier to bully his fellow citizens the way a cop would, and does, on a daily basis, and with no compunction or remorse of conscience. A soldier couldn’t do this. Even though a soldier is a professional killer. To ask a soldier to perform the normal crapload of “duties” in a cop’s average day, the soldier would become comatose with bewilderment. He would become confused, disoriented, dismayed. He would go to his commander, his weapon in hand, a million other deadly devices hanging from his body and inquire, “You want me to WHAT to my fellow Americans?” A soldier would actually have qualms, doubts, confusion, disgust, ambivalence, second thoughts, hesitation, unsureness, sleeplessness, objections, questions, follow-up cooborative inquiries about what his commanding officer was expecting out of him in the course of a normal “work” day. A cop, however, would not be troubled by any of these things. A cop would barrel right on through his workday, kicking down doors, wrecking homes, businesses, and places of amusement, pushing everyone around, manacling people until further notice, taking their stuff, hauling them to medieval confinement in cement rooms, no problem, bring it on, Captain, let me at ‘em.
Let’s play a game right now, may we? Let’s call it “ A Soldier Is Ordered To Do A Cop’s Job .” As Rod Serling might have put it, witness if you will a soldier named Jack; an American warrior who comes out of the desert, back from a mission, dirty, dusty, relieved to be alive, alert, fit, no big belly, no fat anywhere, surrounded by the rubble and emptiness of his base and ready for some time alone, just to lean against a wall and get some sleep. Another soldier suddenly runs up to him “Captain wants to see you.” The soldier gets up, goes to the Captain’s location. He asks what the problem is. Captain says, “I need you to enter this house at this location on this map. Take whatever and whoever you need for backup. We think there’s 8 people inside.” Soldier says “Right away, Sir. Is it defended?” Captain says “We won’t know that till you get there.” The soldier inquires “Are there enemy combatants inside?” Captain says, “We don’t know.” Soldier says, “Then why am I going?” Captain says “They have ten pounds of marijuana inside.” Soldier says “So?” Captain says “They also have 100 pounds of pure heroin.” Soldier says “So?” Captain says “They also have a meth lab, counterfeit money lying around, Cuban cigars, homemade whiskey which they are selling for ten dollars an ounce and it’s not even any good, there’s three prostitutes performing their jobs in the back yard with the neighborhood boys, all of them under 18 – including the prostitutes, there’s ten guys sticking their dicks up each others’ asses out on the lawn, there’s a strip club in the garage with the strippers performing oral sex with the customers right there on stage, and several of the people in the house have twenty to thirty outstanding traffic warrants. Some of the traffic warrants are for speeding.” Soldier says “So?”
You see, so far in this conversation the Captain hasn’t said one fucking thing that the soldier considers worthy even of a knock on the door, much less a fucking armed assault on the premises and a search and destroy mission on the neighbors, or worth any justification to even fire one shot in that direction or even throw a fucking rock at the back window. As far as the soldier is concerned there is nothing dangerous happening to anyone, especially to the safety of his fellow soldiers, and/or the citizens of the nation he is defending. As far as he is concerned, they are not a threat. He would be totally baffled why he was being sent there inside that house that would merit him risking his life to pursue and or kill and or invade and or arrest and or confine and or incarcerate and or execute, and or even reprimand the people he has just heard about. So far the soldier would be in a complete and total bewilderment as to why he would be needed at all to stop this non threat to anyone. He just would not get it at all. He has not heard as yet from the Captain even one report of even one incident the soldier would consider an evil menace. He has heard the itemization and inventory of a property collection and a report of some delinquencies regarding traffic safety and some reports of copulation – an act which he learned at an early age was rampant in the entire animal kingdom and unstoppable and who would want to anyway?. You can understand why a soldier would be confused.
Not so with a cop. A cop called-in to the same meeting would be slowly infused, the more he heard, with an ever-rising level of wrath and fury. With every new item on the list of crimes brought to his attention, his anger and disgust would multiply. The veins would start bursting on his forhead and his eyes would start to glow with vengeance. He would have a rising and urgent desire to be on his way with as many men as possible to that location described and make it his personal responsibility to make sure that anything he had heard so far as coming from that house would never be done by any of these people ever again. Not only are these people not doing anything to him or anyone else, they are complete and total strangers in a neighborhood he has never even visited. Why would he feel this way? 1) Because cops are idiots. And 2) because cops are also bullies. Most soldiers are not bullies. They might be cruel. They might be merciless. But they are not bullies. They respect the dangers they are facing. The dangers are legion, immense, and horrifying on every level. And they are motivated: because they actually are protecting and serving. Cops face no danger they haven’t usually personally provoked. They just insist to you that they face danger. They insist on it over and over and over. That’s all they talk about: how much fucking danger they are facing. If they would just fucking back off their danger level would deflate dramatically. They would be astonished at it. The only danger cops actually face is the danger of the public realizing they are a menace and completely unnecessary. That would scare all the living, blowhard, shit right out of them.
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