Thursday, March 19, 2009

Chuck Norris Is An Idiot

I know what you are saying: "If this is a post about Chuck Norris being an idiot, why do you have a picture of Obama up there making the cock-measurement photo pose with his hands?" Well because Chuck Norris is actually JUST AS STUPID as our New Nigger so I figured whatdafuck. Now then: why is Chuck Norris stupid. There is such a thing as "Chuck Norris Jokes." They all consist of one sentence, usually, and are completey PRO CHUCK NORRIS!!! They are not insulting to Chuck Norris, they are tribute-jokes, in a way, they present him favorably. IN FACT they tend to make him the most amazing man in the universe. Maybe the most amazing anything in the universe. WELL!......Chuck Norris has a real problem with Chuck Norris jokes. They piss him off. So let this be a lesson to you all: never become a Republican; you lose your sense of humor and your IQ drops down to zero. Just like the new nigger president's IQ. Except Obama was born that way. Chuck Norris had to work at it.


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