Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Assignment America

I want someone to find out what countries have a nigger in charge, and then show where those countries are in the pecking order of "wealthy" or "non third world" countries. I'll work on this too. I have a sneaking hunch that the countries with niggers running them are all at the very fucking bottom of the "likely to survive" chart.. The USA is now one of these countries. You can expect that we will be on the level of Botumbwa within a year, with niggers running through the streets of Watts killing other niggers just like they do in Goodeenkwaland in the Fucking Congo. Now, it could be that the countries with the niggers running them are in the TOP of the heap so far as wealth and standard of living and modern conveniences and hot and cold running water and some form of electricity running through the land. It could be. I mean, I could have my head completely up my ass regarding this "countries with niggers in charge are poverty-stricken countries." Right now I am trying to actually imagine that and I have to confess I am having a pretty tough time doing it. It's like my brain is starting to overheat and throw-off sparks and static-noises from the effort. It's like I am trying to imagine a square circle or some other logical impossibility. Anyway, this will be a good expperiment. Let's just see how well the nigger-led countries are doing. That way we can better-see our own immediate future, Wouldn't you say? Ok, thank you. And fuck you.


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