Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tomorrow The Nigger Comes Close

Tomorrow, Thursday, the piece of shit for whom this blog was created in the first place, Black Cock Insane Alabama, will be coming to Pomona, Ca. which is about 20 miles in a straight line due west from where I live. This is not a coincidence. I have it on good authority that this blog of mine, which was started the day after Our New Nigger got elected by, of all things, white people, is driving the New Nigger nuts. He's very image-concious, you know. His own image of himself must never be contradicted by anyone else. Now, there's lots of bloggers giving the New Nigger shit. But they ain't signing their real names to none of it. I am the only one who is. This is driving the New Nigger up the wall. He cannot understand why am not being anonymous in calling the New Nigger , well, a new nigger, a muslim, a fucking cock sucking faggot, a fucking Masonic devil- worshipping bare-ass-apron-wearing circle-jerk-assembly boy. I call his wife a whore, I call his kids the offspring of Farrakan, I call him....did I say I call him a nigger??..... So all this drives him crazy. He SAYS he's going to Pomona. But I know where he's really going. And he knows where he's really going: we're both going to the empty parking lot of the Santa Anita racetrack grounds at eleven PM, the bleak and dark northeast end, to have a little meeting. He is going to make me a deal I'm going to refuse. I just hope I can see the fucker in the dark. If he never smiles I'll never find the little crack-smoking son of a nigger-fuckin' bitch. Look at that fucking picture of that blue-lipped coon up there. If that ain't the expression and pose and gaze and lovely girlie queerbait fucking aids-softened face of a dainty mincing, prancing, queerbait, faggot, man-ass humping, jizzing-in-the-bathouse, semen swallowing, penis slurping, testicle gulping homosexual, then I'm fucking Jamie Pressley with my dick, fucking Shannen Doherty and Lindsay Lohan with both middle fingers, I got both feet on the pussies of Paris Hilton and Megan on American Idol, and I'm EATING Moms Mabley like I mean it.


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