Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why Actors Think They're Smarter Than You

Actors think they are smarter than you because you think they are super beings. You being the people who are not them. It is not all actors who think they are smarter than you. Just the ones who are recognized on a name basis or by sight. If you are someone who's only talent is being photogenic and people chase after you in order to touch your sleeve and then tell others sxcitedly that they touched your sleeve - you eventually come to believe that you are smart or wise or that you have superpowers, like an X-man. Even though you only photograph well, follow direction, and show up to work on time. For after all, you are not reading your own script. You are not working at your own studio. You are not paying the thousand employees who are all working on the same set that you are in order to make you look good through the lens on the camera - which you are not operating: of all the people involved in your job you are the only member of the staff being chased around by, well, reetard chimps. Reetard chimps seem to know instinctively that famous actors can't really do wnything and yet they are famous AND they are RICH. this is like a greed-magnet to reetard chimps. Since you, l as an actor, very likely have an idea that you yourself are not particularly bright - most actors at the start of their careeers are smart enough to know they don't know very much - since you as an actor probably know you are not particularly bright, if yoou start to become indentifiable and chased, you start to think your IQ is rising and your wisdom and knowledge are increasing. At some point you start to assume you are a "leader." Even though you are not. you are an employee of the entertainment empire. But you become what you THINK a leader is, and you usually leading a PARADE which has been started into motion by a lawyer. The guy at the front of the parade usually has not created the parade. He is just what everyone looks at because he is dressed the best. The high-stepping guy with the long baton and the tall feathered hat is not really smarter or wiser then the tuba player. In fact he is doing a lot less of a feat than the tuba playwer. But everyone looks at the front guy because he...I don't know, marches. He makes it appear as though the parade is FOLLOWING him. It isn't. He's just in front of it. So the actor is never a leader. He's more of a drum major. The drum major-actor did not create the parade or organizie it into existence. the parades actors lead are usually started by a lawyer who now holds office. These movements lawyers are usually childish ones or foolish ones or crooked ones: ecology; global warming; The United Way; Care; the fate of the whale; The American Cancer Society; Childrrens Hospital; the fate of the polar bear; the fate of plants such as forests ten million miles away on other planets; running out of things that are limitless, such as oil; water; air; dirt; things involving less war; things involving less personal opinions, especially personal opinions that might hamper THEIR OWN careers, such as "racism" whatever that is. Being against "racism" is unanimous with famous actors. Not one of them is FOR racism. Or even experiences any kind of negative emotion toward other persons at all. Except Republicans, for some reason. All famous actors detest Republicans. I have no idea why. I detest Muslims. But not Republicans. Though I would never vote for either of them. I got a little off the track but so what. Fuck you. Thank you.


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