Friday, November 14, 2008

The New Nigger

I just learned that anytime Obama is hit with a criticism of anything at all he says he tosses out the race card. Like the niggers at a store I used to work at. They'd steal something and then you would stop them, or they'd use a stolen credit card and you would stop them and they would fly into a screaming rage. And this would only work against white people you understand. It would never work against Mexican employees. Mexicans hate niggers and niggers know this and Mexicans, unlike white people, don't pretend for even a second that they like niggers, which the niggers know also, so the race card never works with Mexicans. So you would stop them and they would fly into a screaming rage and say "You doo-in dis y'all juffs becaw I'm BLEK!" The average white personnel freaks at this. But I would say "No, I am not doing this becaw you're blek. I'm doing this becaw you have 20 pounds of t-bones down your baggy saggy pants. Now, because you are blek might be the reason YOU PUT the 20 pounds of t-bones down your baggy saggy pants, but that's not the reason I stopped you from leaving. I didn't stop you from leaving because you are blek. It's the meat you are stealing is the reason." Of course I would never get this far into the dialogue. Niggers know when a white person ain't at all concerned with "looking like a racist" to his white friends. At some point early on they would just sputter and fume and wait to see if I was going to give them the option of leaving without the meat and "never coming back" or of going to the next level which would involve cops. They always chose the level that did not involve cops. Niggers don't like cops for some reason. I am going to Pray to Jesus the God of Creation in human form who died for the sins of all mankind that The New Nigger is somehow delivered into my presence under circumstances where he is inspired to say to me "You are just saying that because I am black." HAHA. I will have a very funny answer for him.


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