Friday, October 16, 2009

Using The Blog As My Own Personal Email

I would like to apologize to the three men who read this blog for the picture above. I was trying to send it to a chick so she would get an idea of, ya know, my own idea of a nice pussy. I mean, I GUESS there's dudes who think - or at least try to convince themselves that they think - that every pussy is bitchin'. HAHA that AIN'T the case. But some actually are. And the one on the piece of ass above is one of these. I know this is supposed to be an Obama-Bashing venue. But you know something?....some things are even more important than calling Obama a stupid fucking nigger. And this particular twat is one of them. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Oh, and also, pictures like the one above tend to keep the fags and the Pray To Jesus Or Burn In Hell fuckheads away. Unfortunately it attracts commie dykes. But what the fuck, at least they never make comments here, so who gives a shit, they can come here and look at hot twat if they like, I gut no problem with that. I'm practically a dyke m'self. Except for the commie part. That pussy-lickin' part though, I'm pretty much a big practitioner. If they look like the one above at least. Some o' them though: whew. I guess that's why God created tequila and limes. Thank you Jesus!! Oh, God also created that pussy above. All that Allah fucker ever created was saliva-lipped boy-hosers. Anyway she couldn't open the picture so I put it here for her because I might be a lot of things but an inconsiderate asshole is not one of them.


At October 16, 2009 at 4:36 PM , Blogger woman of the north said...

JJ, you said you weren't going to post that picture of me! Now every hot Paul Bunyon in the woods will be beating my door down. Dang!

At October 16, 2009 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

He's a cummin....


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