Sunday, October 18, 2009

Obama's Freaking Out Over Rising Fox News Popularity

Obama has his white niggers running around bellowing that Fox is "not a news organization. They are just touting a point of view." Well, that's what news organizations do. This "unbiased" shit is some sort of weird religion that people think is something real. How can you NOT have a point of view when all the "news" is politically created? There's no "news" that's not about one government or another or one government activity or another. The government IS the news. You're not supposed to have a fucking OPINION of the thing that's fucking you in the ass? Obama is fucking shitting his pants. His magic is gone because some white people are starting to realize that niggers are actually niggers and that that's what you call them and treat them as. At least until they quit being niggers. And I don't see THAT happening in this universe in this billion year period of it. Obama's a nigger and some white people are getting some balls. Sure, it's only 6 white people but that's five more than when the nigger in chief got elected. I call that progress. Real SHITTY progress, but still progress.


At October 18, 2009 at 5:36 PM , Blogger nobody said...

I'd still like to kick Glenn Beck in the nuts

At October 18, 2009 at 10:40 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

i would like to paint flowers on his nuts. it would keep me in contact with them longer.


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