Friday, October 30, 2009

Hillary Cunton

Hillary Cunton pissed off the Pakistanis yesterday by saying they know where all the suicide people are but they're protecting them. Not being American Men, the Pakistanis told the dyke to go fuck herself, rather than get all a-scaired, like we do here when she gets angry. So today she's all "Well, perhaps I was having a PMS day yesterday." She's all meek and apologetic. Of course she's right, the Pakistanis have been hiding Bin Laden and his boy horde of lovers for nine years. I mean it's like Mexico times ten over there in those Muslim countries. Everyone's lying and stealing and fucking with everyone else and stealing hubcaps and purses and arresting anyone with propery and taking their stuff and there's no water fit to drink and no lights and people sit in the dust at night under the stars and smell camel farts and fuck their daughters at night for warmth. I mean it's a human pigsty. If that's not enough because they're all Muslims they commit suicide in public places with shrapnel bombs. The nigger in chief would like Hillary to dialogue with these people, not piss them off by screaming the truth at them. Lookit the fuckhead that's telling her to go fuck herself. I would not allow someone dressed like this to get within a hundred yards of me. No, I ain't talkin' about Hillary this time. Lookit that idiotic thing on his head. Chevy Chase wouldn't wear that on his worst schtick day. These are the people who took down the World Trade Center. And we still haven't taken-out the Mecca Meterorite and the Jew Roo Salem dome. Pansy USA, that's us. We gut queers all over the place doing nothing except blowing each other and raising taxes for more Congressional Private Saunas.


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