Sunday, September 6, 2009

Guest Nigger Hater

The "woman of the north" apparently has a LOT of views similar to my own and has been telling me about them. They could be also similar to yours. Otherwise you shouldn't really be here.

"A year ago I wasn't really worried about the election. I didn't think there was any way on earth that a nigger-- especially THAT nigger-- could win. I thought that all the people who were bragging that they were going to vote for him were just saying that to be politically correct, or good liberals, or whatever. I figured they would secretly go with McCain when in the privacy of the voting booth. A couple of weeks before the election, when I saw how EVERY poll showed the nigger way ahead, I started to worry big time. I entered a nightmare-world in which Obama had won, and life in the US instantly started to go downhill. The thought of him being president was so terrifying that I couldn't get it out of my mind. Sometimes I would snap out of the trance, and just like with a bad dream, I would kind of laugh and think to myself, "There's NO WAY that could happen. Everything's going to be ok". Then he won, and for weeks and months I relived the terror of my daydream, only this time I knew I couldn't wake up. I had a constant sneer on my face, and an awful black dread in my gut. Then he got sworn in, and I've pretty much been sick as a dog ever since.
I grimace and shake my head a lot. I'm almost dumbfounded at what he's done in a few short months, and what he still wants to do to us. What a hopeless, fucking mess. Then a month or so ago, things started to take a turn. His poll numbers went down and are still continuing to go down every week. Citizens rebelled, and marched, and stormed the town hall meetings, and inundated their congressmen with letters and emails and faxes. Op-ed pieces were showing up bad-mouthing Obama. Parents are mad. Democrat senators were (are) shaking in their boots. There's predictions of major losses in the house and senate for the dems next year. All kinds of shit against Obama is going down, and finally, FINALLY I see some light. I feel better. I'm smiling more. The dread has eased off. I don't want to jump to any conclusions, but I think the end is near for the emperor. He won't go quietly though, and when he starts trying to still get his get his way in the face of massive adversity, he might even get himself impeached, which is what I'm hoping for. I want the swine to go down BIG. HAHAHA, I feel pretty damn good."


At September 6, 2009 at 11:08 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

i'm gonna put my money on them having absolutely no balls at all and will buckle and fall like muslims in front of Marines.

At September 7, 2009 at 2:22 PM , Blogger woman of the north said...

Well, some of that might be true, but that was before the people woke up. You've heard of the sleeping giant? The dems are scared shitless that they'll get voted out next year if they don't do what their constituents want. They'll fold like a cheap paper bag, wait and see. Onigger can't push this through without congress-- this isn't a dictatorship yet.


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