Friday, August 7, 2009

A White House Nigger I Could Respect

If this nigger was President I would, for one thing, use a capitol P when I wrote President. something I DON'T do with the current nigger holding the office. This nigger is Uncle Ben! Now, this is a good nigger. He is the spokesman for a major American company. He behaves himself, you never see him being disrespectful of anyone, black or white. He obviously was born in this country, unlike Nigbama Hussein, and he obviously has had to make his way within white society and yet hold onto his negro heritage, or at least display it unashamedly. He does not harbor resentment toward the white man, he comes out and serves him some rice. He dresses like a civilized human being, not like a monkey who just had an epileptic fit in a dumpster. He looks like he has read something besides the retarded speeches of Martin Luther King and he looks like he can spell more that cat. He looks like he knows right from wrong and that he knows he has a friend in Jesus. this is my kind of nigger. Yowza.


At August 7, 2009 at 8:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and its darn good rice!!

At August 7, 2009 at 8:43 PM , Blogger jj solari said...

uncle ben for prezeedint!!


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