Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Stupid Fucking Post Office

The Post Office never seems to be able to kick itself in the ass. All it does is complain like a huge nigger that things aren't gpoing well with it and it needs more free money from taxpayers over and above the prices amnd hassles they have to pay for stamps and service. If service is the word. The Post Office comes in second only to the DMV for human hatred. In this age of emails the Post Office, if it had any brains, would actually run commercials for itself proclaiming the superiority of an actual letter to an email to anyone you expect a response from, especially if that response is to a complaint. Or a request. A letter is always given attention and at least read. The Post Office will never figure this out. They'll just complain that everyone emails now and they need more subsidies. Let's just subsidize everything and everyone, Nigger Bama, and turn the whole country into 1917 Russia. We'll all travel by horse and haywagon and use saccharine instead of sugar and wear boots all year long until they wear out and have to be stuffed with rags to work. You fucking coon fucking cuntfaced faggot muslim queer nigger so-called genius. A nigger genius. Now there's something to try and wrap your brainstem around and imagine.


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