Nigger Care
I dont understand the nigger's plan for health care and i am sure nobody does because niggers are never clear about anything. If you go to any kind of a meeting the nigger will always ask the question that the guy answering questions already answered 20 times. usually to 19 other niggers. They just have a real tough time understanding things. However i guess a lot of other white people DO understand it and they're all screaming. Naturally the "elected representatives" are saying that the people objecting do not represent the american people. Any time i have written my congressman about ANYTHING i always get an answer back explaining to me why he is not going to do what i want but what he wants. So now entire packs of white people are getting to have this experience.
A few weeks ago my wife and I called our Senator Snowe and informed the person taking the call how disappointed we are with her voting record and how the majority of her votes are with the democrats and we want her to do what Senator Spectre did in PA and that is to switch her party affiliation from a republican to a democract because she is a disgrace to the republican party. And then I added please tell the Senator to stay in Washington with her dumbocrat friends because we republicans do not want to see her in our State of Maine. And besides our streets and sidewalks are all clean and we're afraid she'll dirty them.
Couldn't finish my thoughts because the person taking the call hung up on me.
calling your "representative" is a waste of time. they're there because more idiots than smart people voted for them. they know they cant get fired for years. and then if they're incumbents the odds are they'll get re-elected. because people at least by then have heard their name and figure why take a chance on a new name? this guy still has his job so he must be good. yeah, well he still has his job because he can only lose it on one day every few years.
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