Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sarah Palin vs. The Nigger

Sarah Palin resigning from her Alaska job has Obama in a fucking rug-chewing frenzy. I can see right into that fucker's zebra-skinned mud hut and he is going fucking nuts. She so far is the only person on earth to take that idiot coon on one to one. He's gotta be thinkin' what the fuck is she doing. Even the Republicans are all in a gay twitter of gay confusion. I actually know what she's doing. She's going to start her own political party. You heard it here, folks, from the greatest political mastermind since Our Beloved Fuehrer, and that would be me, Jizz Jizz Solari, atchyer service my homo friend. She's gonna start her own party (I am weeping now: that is what OBF - who I just earlier mentioned - did. I miss him so much. We would waltz together and he would put his hand on my ass. He had to reach up to do it, it was so cute.) She is going to start a new party and take over America like Hitler took over Germany!!! Shit, I'm so excited I feel like shooting every pit bull in South Central Los Angeles.


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