Skeletor Meets First- Hottie Of France
The American nigger White House lady looks pretty goddamn creepy standing next to the wife of the guy "running" France." Good thing she is confident of that fag husband of her's homosexuality, but I bet it's killin' her that even if the French First Chick IS a lesbian, ain't no way she's gonna go face-first into that rancid jungle moolie way-beyond-it's-prime dyke-reeking Somali Tamale. And we Americans keep bad-mouthin' France but you don't see them putting rank ugly niggers into office or electing some fag with a fucking harpy for a wife into the top spot. I mean I could look at that broad on the right all day. That ghastly sea hag scowling cleaning lady on the left, I don't even want to let her ON the bus, forget about where in back to sit her fat ass down.
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